
Sirāj al-mutaʻallimīn

نبذة عن كتاب Sirāj al-mutaʻallimīn

466 unnumbered pages ; 26 x 14 cm Manuscript Title from preface Commentary composed in 915 [1509 or 1510] (leaf 2b) 19 lines per page, Naskh hand; text collated Catch words, rubricated, marginal glosses Copied by Muḥammad Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad ‘Abd Allāh Persian commentary on the Arabic text of al-Kāfiyah fī al-naḥw by Ibn al-Ḥājib Purchased by Ivanow in Lucknow in 1926 Half bound black leather, black cloth over boards, green cotton hinges, wormed, edges red sprinkled, stab sewn

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Sirāj al-mutaʻallimīn


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