
بشارة يسوع المسيح كما كتب مار متى واحد من اثنى عشر من تلاميذه

نبذة عن كتاب بشارة يسوع المسيح كما كتب مار متى واحد من اثنى عشر من تلاميذه

بشارة يسوع المسيح كما كتب مار متى واحد من اثنى عشر من تلاميذه.
Bound in vellum; gilt label on spine Edited by Giovanni Battista Raimondi Title from caption. The intended prefatory matter was apparently never published. Text begins on page 9 Imprint from colophon Illustrated with 149 woodcuts, printed from 68 blocks, by Leonardo Norsino after Antonio Tempesta According to the British Library there was a reissue of this edition printed at Florence in 1774, which was made up of original sheets, with the addition of 4 preliminary leaves containing titlepage and preface. The Latin title of which is: “Evangelium sanctum Domini Nostri Iesu Christi conscriptum a quatuor Evangelistis sanctis idest, Matthaeo, Marco, Luca, et Iohanne.” Adams Darlow & Moule BM Arabic USTC

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بيانات كتاب بشارة يسوع المسيح كما كتب مار متى واحد من اثنى عشر من تلاميذه


Bashārat Yasuʻ al-Masīḥ kamā kataba Mār Mattay waḥid min athni ʻashar min talāmīdh = Euangelium Iesu Christi quemadmodum scripsit Mar Mattheus unus ex duodecim discipulis eius

العنوان 2

بشارة يسوع المسيح كما كتب مار متى واحد من اثنى عشر من تلاميذه


Romae : In Typographia Medicea

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