
مختصر مفردات كتاب البيان لابن جزله، مع أربع رسائل لابن تومرت، و

نبذة عن كتاب مختصر مفردات كتاب البيان لابن جزله، مع أربع رسائل لابن تومرت، و

مختصر مفردات كتاب البيان لابن جزله، مع أربع رسائل لابن تومرت، وفي أول المخطوطة: “هذا مختصر من مفردات ابن جزلة الموسوم بالبيان رحمه الله ونفع بعلومه واليه؟؟ نسخ آخره مما يتعلق بالطب”
186 leaves, bound, (22-23 lines) : 23 cm Manuscript Arabic A collection of 18 treatises by various authors Item [3]: “bayān” may refer to Minhāj al-bayān by Ibn Jazlah, but possible to another writer, Ibn Abi al-Bayān; item [5]: cites Shaykh Dāʼūd (i.e. probably Dāʼūd ibn ʻUmar al-Antāki); item [6]: probably an extract from Dustūr bīmārestānī by Ibn Abī al-Bayān; item [7] marginal commentary frequently cites Tadhkirah by Dāʼud ibn ʻUmar al-Antākī; item [9]: by Ibn Tūmart al-Maghribī, wrongly attributed by Sommer to Muḥammad ibn Tūmart al-Maghribī; item [12]: selections from Kitāb al-Ḥāwī fī ʻilm al-tadāwī by Najm al-Dīn al-Shīrazī; item [14]: includes extracts from works of Avicenna Undated copy; appearance of paper, handwriting, ink, etc. suggests a dating of about the 17th cent Owner’s signature dated 1268 (1851-2) on fol. 3b; several owners’ notes on fol. 4a; purchased in 1941 by Army Medical Library from A.S. Yahuda who acquired it from a dealer in Sanaa, Yemen (ELS 2369) Slip of paper with misc. notes bound between fol.91 and 92; fol. 158 contains text which is not part of that on the adjacent leaves Paper is thick, stiff, cream colored, with laid and single chain lines visible; fol. 2 and 3 on different paper Bound in light brown paper over brown leather over pasteboard covers; recent brown leather spine; paper pastedowns, contemporary with the ms., covered with misc. notes Described in: Schullian & Sommer. Cat. of incun. & MSS., 1950, A87 item [1] [alchemical and astrological notes] (f.1a-3b) – item [2] Mukhtaṣar min mufradāt ibn Jazlah (Abridgement from the Simple medicaments of Ibn Jazlah) (f.4a-54a) – item [3] Mulafaq min al-bayān (Pieced together from [Kitāb al-]bayān) (f.54b-64b) – item [4] [Fī] ḥajar (On the use of stones) (f.65a-68a) – item [5] Amrāḍ al-raʻs dāʻ al-thaʻlab wa-al-suʻffah wa-al-qurūḥ wa-jamīʻ qurūh al-raʻās (Diseases of the head, loss of hair, dark spots, baldness, and ulcers of the head) (f.68b-74a) – item [6] Tadbir al-aṭfāl min Kitāb al-Bayān (The management of infants, taken from the Book of al-Bayān) (f.74b-75b) – item [7] Jumlat al-adwiyah al-mufradah mustahilah li-kull wāḥid min al-akhlāṭ (Summary of the simple medicaments beneficial for each of the constitutions) (f.76b-96b) – item [8] [Fī] duhn (Concerning oils) (f.97a-100a) – item [9] Kanz al-ʻulūm wa-al-durr al-manẓūm fī ḥaqāʼiq ʻilm al-sharīʻah wa-daqāʼiq ‘ilm al-ṭabīʻah (Treasure of knowledge and orderly pearls on the true meaning of revealed knowledge and the intricacies of natural science) (f.100b-121a) – item [10] [alphabetical list of simple medicaments] (f.121b-124b) – item [11] Kitāb sharḥ al-manẓūmah fī al-ṭibb (Commentary on the Poem on medicine) (f.125a-140b) – item [12] commentary on Kitāb al-Ḥāwī (The comprehensive book) (f.140b-142a) – item [13] [five chapters on medicine, alchemy, natural magic, calendars, almanacs, and prognostication and divination] (f.142b-172a) – item [14] [on prognostication] (f.172b-174a) – item [15] [extracts from medical writings] (f.174b-175a) – item [16] Tafsīr anwāʻ al-riyāḍah (Exposition on the varieties of mathematics) (f.175a-181b) – item [17] Dāʻir al-muḥibb fī ʻilm al-ṭibb (The turning of the lover in the art of medicine) (f.182a-184b) – item [18] [essay on numerical values of letters and the production of magic squares] (f.185a-186b) Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm Microfilm. Bethesda, Md. : National Library of Medicine, 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm Condition reviewed 20170721 digitized. 2018

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بيانات كتاب مختصر مفردات كتاب البيان لابن جزله، مع أربع رسائل لابن تومرت، و


[Collection of medical and magical treatises]

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مختصر مفردات كتاب البيان لابن جزله، مع أربع رسائل لابن تومرت، و


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