
منهاج البيان فيما يستعمله الإنسان

نبذة عن كتاب منهاج البيان فيما يستعمله الإنسان

منهاج البيان فيما يستعمله الإنسان تأليف يحيى بن عيسى ابن جزلة.
247 leaves, bound, (23 lines; fol. 1a blank) : 20 cm Manuscript Arabic Title is given in the text (fol. 2a line 9) and in the colophon (fol. 247 lines 13-14) No author given, but comparison with copies in other collections indicates that this treatise is by the physician Ibn Jazlah Copy undated and unsigned; the nature and brittleness of the paper suggest a dating of the eighteenth century, but the writing might indicate an earlier date Purchased in 1941 by the Army Medical Library from A. S. Yahuda who acquired it is Aligarh, India (ELS 1710, former 134 and former A2516) Illustrations from this manuscript and a general discussion of it are found in J. S. Graziani, Arabic medicine in the eleventh century as represented in the works of Ibn Jazlah, Karachi, Pakistan : Hamdard Foundation, 1980; see esp. figs. 11, 12,and 13 Another copy, without the introductory chapters and slightly abbreviated, is in NLM MS A87, fol. 4a-54a; numerous copies are recorded in other collections Catchwords (many now missing); very neat Naskhi script; rubrications; text written within frames of gilt and blue lines; space left for illuminated opening on fol. 1b which was never filled in Marginalia, some collating the text and some emending it; also some interlinear notes and some long glosses; in several hands Paper is dark brown and very thin and brittle; only laid lines visible; worm-eaten; some folios repaired Bound in marbled paper and red leather over pasteboard covers; recent paper pastedowns and endpapers Described in: Schullian & Sommer. Cat. of incun. & MSS., 1950, A40 A treatise on medicaments, in alphabetical order, dealing with simple drugs and compound remedies; on fol. 3a the author names the sources from which he drew his material. Simple and compound drugs and diets listed in alphabetical order, physical property, dosage, and the therapeutic qualities including the temperament, warming and cooling effects are all described by the author NLM copy, leaves 109-114 bound after leaf 125 Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm Microfilm. Bethesda, Md. : National Library of Medicine, 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm NLM copy, encapsulated in Mylar and post-bound in 2 volumes; previous binding in Bathtub collection Condition reviewed 20170720 digitized. 2018

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منهاج البيان فيما يستعمله الإنسان


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