العنوان |
A Short Treatise on The Guardianship of the Jurist |
المؤلف |
Sheikh Mansour Leghaei |
اللغة |
English |
الناشر |
The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeinis works |
مجلد |
1 |
A Short Treatise on The Guardianship of the Jurist
Author(s): Shaykh Mansour Leghaei
Category: Scholars
Topic Tags: Guardianship Jurist Wilayat Faqih
Person Tags: Ayatullah Sayyid Imam Ruhallah al-Musawi al-Khomeini
This book Contains these titles:
العنوان |
A Short Treatise on The Guardianship of the Jurist |
المؤلف |
Sheikh Mansour Leghaei |
اللغة |
English |
الناشر |
The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeinis works |
مجلد |
1 |