
Biaxial Buckling of Thin Laminated Composite Plates

نبذة عن كتاب Biaxial Buckling of Thin Laminated Composite Plates

The objective of this book is to present a complete and up to date treatment of uniform cross section rectangular laminated plates on buckling. Finite element (FE) method is used for solving governing equations of thin laminated composite plates and their solution using classical laminated plate theory (CLPT). Plates are common structural elements of most engineering structures, including aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering structures, and their study from theoretical and experimental analyses points of view is fundamental to the understanding of the behavior of such structures.
The motivation that led to the writing of the present study has come from many years of studying classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) and its analysis by the finite element (FE) method, and also from the fact that there does not exist a publication that contains a detailed coverage of classical laminated plate theory and finite element method in one volume. The present study fulfills the need for a complete treatment of classical laminated theory of plates and its solution by a numerical solution.
The material presented is intended to serve as a basis for a critical study of the fundamentals of elasticity and several branches of solid mechanics including advanced mechanics of materials, theories of plates, composite materials and numerical methods. Chapter one includes certain properties of laminated composite plates, and at the end of this chapter the most important objectives of the present book are cited, this subject may be used either as a required reading or as a reference subject. Developments in the theories of laminated plates, several numerical methods and the past work of buckling analysis are presented in chapter two. Mathematical formulations and numerical modeling of rectangular laminated plates under biaxial buckling loads are introduced in chapter three. The present finite element (FE) results are validated with similar results generated by FE and/ or other numerical and approximate analytical solutions in chapter four. Additional verification with ANSYS package and experimental results has been done in this chapter. In chapter five, the effects of lamination scheme, aspect ratio, material anisotropy, fiber orientations of layers, reversed lamination scheme and boundary conditions are investigated. In chapter six, the most important results have been summarized.
The present study is suitable as a textbook for an advanced course on theories of plates and finite element techniques in mechanical and civil engineering curricula. It can be used also as a reference by engineers and scientists working in industry and academic institutions.

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بيانات كتاب Biaxial Buckling of Thin Laminated Composite Plates


Biaxial Buckling of Thin Laminated Composite Plates


osama mohammed elmardi suleiman


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