
Christianity The Original and the Present Reality – للمكتبة الشاملة (بصيغة bok)

نبذة عن كتاب Christianity The Original and the Present Reality – للمكتبة الشاملة (بصيغة bok)

الكتاب: Christianity The Original and the Present Reality
المؤلف: Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah As-Suheem
المصدر: الشاملة الذهبية
نبذه عن الكتاب:

All the praise is due to Allâh, Who has guided us to His straight path. We seek His forgiveness and we seek refuge in Him from the evil of our own selves and our bad deeds.

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بيانات كتاب Christianity The Original and the Present Reality – للمكتبة الشاملة (بصيغة bok)


Christianity The Original and the Present Reality


Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah As-Suheem


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