العنوان |
My journey to Islam |
المؤلف |
Laila Bigelli |
اللغة |
English |
الناشر |
Islamic Humanitarian Service (IHS) |
مجلد |
1 |
My journey to Islam
Author(s): Laila Bigelli
Publisher(s): Islamic Humanitarian Service (IHS)
Category: General Women
Topic Tags: Discovering Islam Convert Miscellaneous information: Written by Laila Bigelli
ISBN 1-894701-11-9
Edited and Published by Islamic Humanitarian Service
Head Office:
81 Hollinger Crescent
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, N2K-2Y8
Tel: (519) 576-7111 Fax: (519) 576-8378
© Copyright 2002 by Islamic Humanitarian Service
FIRST EDITION 2002 / 1422 A.H.
Proceeds of the sale of this book will be donated to deserving brothers and sisters, therefore, we request the readers not to reprint or transmit this book or any sections from it in any form without the written permission of the Publisher. If additional copies are needed for resale or free distribution, please contact our head office.
Featured Category: Conversion to Islam
This book Contains these titles:
العنوان |
My journey to Islam |
المؤلف |
Laila Bigelli |
اللغة |
English |
الناشر |
Islamic Humanitarian Service (IHS) |
مجلد |
1 |