العنوان |
Self-knowledge |
المؤلف |
Mohammad Ali Shomali |
اللغة |
English |
تصنيف مكتبة الكونغرس |
BP250/ش8س8 1385 |
سنة النشر |
1996 |
الناشر |
International Publishing Co |
مجلد |
1 |
Title: Self -Knowledge
Author(s): Mohammad Ali Shomali
Publisher(s): International Publishing Co.
Category: General Ethics General
Topic Tags: Knowledge Fiqh jurisprudence knowledge of the self Ethics Miscellaneous information: Edited by Muhammad Legenhausen
ISBN 964-304-052-6
Appearance: 173 p
Congress Classification: BP۲۵۰/ش۸س۸ ۱۳۸۵
Dewey decimal classification: ۲۹۷/۶۳
National bibliography number: M75-7122
Featured Category: Introducing Islam Muslim Practices
This book Contains these titles:
العنوان |
Self-knowledge |
المؤلف |
Mohammad Ali Shomali |
اللغة |
English |
تصنيف مكتبة الكونغرس |
BP250/ش8س8 1385 |
سنة النشر |
1996 |
الناشر |
International Publishing Co |
مجلد |
1 |