العنوان |
The Roots of Religion |
المؤلف |
Dar Rah Haqq’s Board of Writers |
اللغة |
English |
تصنيف مكتبة الكونغرس |
BP211/5/د404952 1379 |
سنة النشر |
2000 |
الناشر |
Fouad |
مجلد |
1 |
The Roots of Religion
A book that explains the Usul al-Deen (Roots of Religion). It helps resolve questions and doubts in relation to God, Prophethood, Imamate, Death and Jugement Day.
Publisher(s): Qum: Dar Rah -e Haq ,1377=1998
Category: General General Miscellaneous information: Compiled and published by Dar Rah-e Haq
Featured Category: Muslim Practices
Appearance: 248 p
Congress Classification: BP۲۱۱/۵/د۴۰۴۹۵۲ ۱۳۷۹
Dewey decimal classification: ۲۹۷ /۴۱۷۲
National bibliography number: م ۷۹-۲۰۶۳۸
This book Contains these titles:
العنوان |
The Roots of Religion |
المؤلف |
Dar Rah Haqq’s Board of Writers |
اللغة |
English |
تصنيف مكتبة الكونغرس |
BP211/5/د404952 1379 |
سنة النشر |
2000 |
الناشر |
Fouad |
مجلد |
1 |