
في أول الكتاب مايلي: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نبذة عن كتاب في أول الكتاب مايلي: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

في أول الكتاب مايلي: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة على محمد وآله اجمعين. الادوية المفردة
المستعملة بخواصها وافعالها المنسوبة اليها المشهورة بها، هذه جمعها الامام
العلامة رئيس الحكما نجيب الدين السمرقندي غفر الله له.
37 p., bound, (23 lines; p. 28-30 and 34 blank) : 24 cm Manuscript Arabic Item [1] (p. 1-27): in colophon (p. 27) treatise is described as the final section of al-Najībīyāt, a term used to refer to a collection of al-Samarqandī’s writings, also called al-Najībīyāt al-Samarqandīyah. A treatise on medicaments as purgatives and laxatives in alphabetical order written in the Dar-al-Shifaʼ al-Shahabiya al-ʻashr al-ākhir min Ramaḍān arbaʻūn wa sabʻmʼiah hilālī (the Hospital of al-Shahabiya in March 1340) Item [2] (p. 31-33): Ittikhādh māʼ al-jubn wa manāfiʻuhu wa kayfa istiʻmāluh (translation: The use of cheesewater and its virtues and uses); lacks author’s name, but probably also by al-Samarqandī, as a short treatise of this title by him is extant in one other copy (Mosul, Madrasat Yahya Pasha MS 14); see A.Z. Iskandar, “A study of al-Samarqandi’s medical writings” Le Museon, 85 (1972), p. 459-460 Colophon to item [1] states that treatise was copied during the last ten days of Ramaḍān 740 [1340] by Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh called al-Shams al-Tasatturī the physician (al-mutaṭabbib) No title page; title taken from first line of text (p. 1); in item [1] colophon (p. 27) title given as: al-adwīyah al-mufradah Author’s name given on p. 1 Item [3] (p. 35-37) lacks author and title; consists of recipes for remedies Purchased from A. S. Yahuda (ELS No. 1664, Med. 33); received by Armed Forces Medical Library in September 1954, from the office of Dr. Claudius Mayer Three works in same hand; item [1]: contains marginal corrections in Arabic, Persian interlinear notes and marginalia, catchwords; item [3]: includes rubrication, number of lines per page varies Paper is thick, burnished, yellowed, with laid lines only visible Modern library binding of blue cloth over pasteboards with black leather spine; modern paper pastedowns and endpapers Described in: Hamarneh, S. “Arabic MSS. NLM.” J. Hist. Arab. Science (1977), p. 99 Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm Microfilm. [Bethesda, Md.] : National Library of Medicine, 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm Condition reviewed 20180806 digitized. 2018

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al-Adwīyah al-mufradah al-mustaʻmalah bi-khawāṣhā wa-afʻālhā al-mansūbah ilayhā al-mashhūrah bi-hā

العنوان 2

في أول الكتاب مايلي: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


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