
The Arabian nights entertainments, carefully revised and occaisionally corrected from the Arabic. To which is added, a selection of new tales, now first translated from the Arabic originals. Also, an introduction and notes, illustrative of the religion, manners and customs, of the Mahummedans

بيانات كتاب The Arabian nights entertainments, carefully revised and occaisionally corrected from the Arabic. To which is added, a selection of new tales, now first translated from the Arabic originals. Also, an introduction and notes, illustrative of the religion, manners and customs, of the Mahummedans


The Arabian nights entertainments, carefully revised and occaisionally corrected from the Arabic. To which is added, a selection of new tales, now first translated from the Arabic originals. Also, an introduction and notes, illustrative of the religion, manners and customs, of the Mahummedans




London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown

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